Regi Ranger 2


Regi Ranger: Everything Your Financial Institution Needs to Know

What is Regi Ranger?

Regi Ranger is a secure/closed source conversational virtual information security assistant. Powered by regulatory guidance and proven playbooks he allows financial institutions to ask questions regarding IT governance, cybersecurity, and exam readiness.

  • Confidently approach exams knowing you're not missing new regulatory changes/guidance
  • Easily create policy/procedure
  • Have confidence that the information available within Regi comes from validated sources

Who is Regi Ranger for?

  • Novice Information Security Officers
  • Information security teams who want fast and detailed access to regulatory expectations and best practices, saving time and ensuring compliance with ease
  • Teams that want to be prepared for their next exam and audit

Interested to learn more? Fill out the form below for early access to Regi Ranger information: